Learn Simple Steps To Make A Bonsai

Origin of Bonsai

The process of making the dwarf specimen of a big tree can be considered as bonsai. A bonsai always represents a mature and old tree which bears all the qualities of a plant in the woods. This is the popular advantage of making Bonsai trees. It is believed that the Bonsai first gained popularity around 1000 years back in China. It was then known as pun-sai. From there, the process went to Japan and there it developed more. Poetic dream, craft of an artist and success of a horticulturist are clearly reflected in a bonsai tree. There are five bonsai categories available: Formal Upright, Informal Upright, Slanting Style, Cascade Style and Semi-Cascade Style.

Making Bonsai

Making of bonsai is an art which can be tried in almost any plants. However, most commonly used plants are Ficus, Figs, Cedar, Elm, Mango tree, Cedar and Jade plant. Sources for the plant procurement can be done from any place where you find a dwarfed tree does not get the support of Mother Nature. Other than this, seeds, cuttings, grafted and potted plants are also used to make a bonsai. Buy a clay pot of 4 inches height and 6 inches radius with at least three holes for drainage. Fit your bonsai inside after pruning the roots of the plant in that pot. Cut the roots little angularly for easy growth.

Soil condition

Making bonsai requires an apt method of feeding the plant. Giving less food will not help at all for the process. The restriction of natural growth is the only solution for making bonsai trees. The soil used for making bonsai should not be so soggy. Prepare the soil by mixing 3 parts of a half burnt clay, 3 parts of leaf mould with two parts of coarse sand. Mixing one handful of vermin composter or organic compost will be more effective. A spoonful of fertiliser twice a month would be sufficient for easy growth. Mixture of cow manure can also be used. Bonsai should not be planted in over sized pot.

Training techniques

Training techniques includes the pruning of branches, roots, cutting of leaf or either bending the branches. At first, you may decide which should be the front side of the Bonsai. Avoid allowing any branch to grow in that direction. After pruning process, bend it to your choice by twisting a copper wire over it. Removing of leaves should not be done more than three in a year. Ensure sufficient sunlight while making Bonsai. But, avoid heavy fall of direct sunlight and rain. Remember, making Bonsai needs constant attention and care. Let it grow as an icon of your creativity.